Sunday, March 18, 2012

Garmin introduces nuvi 750, 760 and 770 with multiple destination routing


UPDATE: Read our Garmin nuvi 750 review, Garmin nuvi 760 review and Garmin nuvi 770 review.

Garmin announced today the introduction of three new models, the nuvi 750, nuvi 760 and nuvi 770. These units marry the slimmer form factor of the nuvi 200W series with the high-end features of the nuvi 650, 660 and 670.

What is perhaps the biggest improvement isn’t even mentioned in the news release though. The spec sheet says that, unlike other nuvis, these new units will store up to 10 routes, and will "auto sort multiple destinations (provides most direct route)." Finally!

UPDATE: The Garmin nuvi 700 series will also record tracklogs, and MSN Direct services can be added as an option. This is true for all three models —  the 750, 760 and 770.

A couple of other minor features have been added – the nuvi 700 series will show speed limits for many interstates and highways. They will also help drivers find their car in an unfamiliar spot or crowded parking lot, by automatically marking the position in which they were last removed from the windshield mount.

All three units will include an FM transmitter to stream directions and MP3 files to your car’s stereo. The 760 and 770 will include Bluetooth for hands free cell phone use and an FM traffic receiver with a three month subscription. The 770 will include maps of Europe, in addition to the pre-loaded maps of the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico found in the 750 and 760.

My only question is how long before we see a nuvi 780 with MSN Direct services?

The nuvi 750, nuvi 760 and nuvi 770 are expected to be available in September 2007 at a manufacturer’s suggested retail price of $599.99, $799.99 and $999.99, respectively.

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. When and how much for a Wi-Fi gps?

  2. The Dash Express will have limited Wi-Fi capabilities. Due Q1 2008. I think people are saying $500-600.

  3. I am shopping for my first car GPS. After reading a lot of reviews, I like the Garman Nuvi series, particularly the widescreen models. I do not need preloaded maps of anywhere other than North America, but I want turn by street name, Bluetooth, FM transmitter and some sort of traffic warning system. I am deciding between the Nuvi 660, 680, and 760 all of which have my features so it comes down to price and type of traffic receiver. (Routes and auto sort multiple destinations on the 760 would be okay but I am not ready to spend much more money for those features). As far as I can tell:
    • the 660 comes with the TMC Traffic receiver and is not MSN Direct compatible;
    • the 680 comes with MSN direct receiver and is TMC traffic receiver compatible with the purchase of a TMC traffic receiver;
    • the 760 comes with TMC traffic receiver and is MSN Direct compatible with the purchase of the optional MSN Direct receiver.
    Two questions.
    (1) Not being a professional driver or traveler, is routes and auto sort multiple destinations really that important?
    (2) Although I have seen a lot on forums about TMC Traffic vs. MSN Direct as far as coverage, I have not seen the following issue. If I understand this correctly, after the introductory period, TMC Traffic is $60 per year and MSN Direct has an option to purchase $130 lifetime. Would it be better to even pay a little more for the GPS that has MSN Direct so as to take the lifetime option instead of paying $60 per year?

  4. Wayne Gomo says:

    I am looking for GPS unit that will function both on the road and as a pedestrian GPS. Since we travel a great deal I’ve been leaning towards the garmin 770. Would I need to load additional maps for walking around in US/EU cities? If so, what options are needed ?

  5. Wayne,
    You won’t need any additional maps. Just go into the settings and change the navigation preferences to pedestrian. You’ll need to play around with it and see if 2D or 3D is the best set up for the map. Auto navigators aren’t ideal for pedestrian navigation, since there is no compass screen to point the way. However, the 770 is a better choice than most since it can show a track of where you’ve been, which will assist you in keeping it oriented properly relative to the direction you are heading.


  1. […] Garmin introduces nuvi 750, 760 and 770 with multiple destination routing – UPDATE: Read our Garmin nuvi 750 review … to your car’s stereo. The 760 and 770 will include Bluetooth for hands free cell phone use and an FM traffic receiver with a three month subscription. The 770 will include maps of Europe, in addition to … […]

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