Sunday, March 18, 2012


Garmin nuvi 780 review


UPDATE: MSN Direct is ceasing operations on January 1, 2012.
UPDATE 2: This model has been discontinued. For current recommendations, please refer to our auto GPS buyers guide.

The Garmin nuvi 780 is the top of the line member of Garmin's nuvi 700 series. It adds a second generation MSN Direct receiver to the other high-end features new to the 700 series:

  • Multi-destination routing
  • Automatic sorting of multiple destinations to provide an efficient route
  • Tracklog recording
  • Speed limit display for many interstates and highways
  • The newer internal antenna found on the nuvi 200 series
  • Automatic marking of your last position when the unit is turned off (to help you find your car in mega-mall parking lots)
  • A "Where am I" safety feature that gives your current location,
    nearest address, nearest intersection, along with quick access to POIs
    for the nearest hospitals, police stations and gas stations

The nuvi 760 has all the same features as the 780, minus the MSN Direct receiver (which is available as an optional add on for the 760 and other 700 series models).

Compare prices on the Garmin nuvi 780

Check out our Garmin nuvi comparison chart for more info on the nuvi 780 feature set.

More Garmin nuvi 780 reviews

Other Garmin nuvi 780 resources

Compare prices on the Garmin nuvi 780 at these merchants:

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. How to buy at a good price! Download this ( $50 off Best Buy coupon and take to store. Join the Best Buy Reward Zone. Pick up the Garmin nuvi780 which is now on sale for $269 and head to the checkout! Apply coupon and it’s $219 plus tax!

  2. my husband is thinking about purchasing the nuvi 780, but on the website it says that that model is being discontinued. i called garmin but they said they had not heard that news. any thoughts?

  3. There’s been no official word from Garmin on discontinuing the 700 series, but it wouldn’t surprise me to hear that by spring. Even so, Garmin will continue to support them with firmware and map updates for years to come.

  4. Haven’t used my nuvi 780 in a while but just got back from a trip. See I need to update maps and chain business’ locations. Should I spend the money on this (are these still available?) or spend $89 on a nuvi 1450LM (sale price)? Am pinching pennies.

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