Sunday, March 18, 2012

Magellan Triton custom maps


There’s been a lot of progress recently on making custom maps for the Magellan Triton series. For any of you with these handhelds, here are some resources to check out…



  • Triton RMP allows you to calibrate raster map images for use in the Triton series
  • The Yahoo Triton Group is the best place to find discussions about Triton RMP
  • Meanwhile, over at, at least one person has succeeded in getting Nav N Go iGO and OziExplorer CE to work on a Triton (see image above from the TritonForum)
  • There’s so much progress being made that the Triton Forum has put up two new sections on custom maps and custom software
    development; for now anyone can access these, but at some point in the
    future you may need to become a registered member (free) to view them

These developments should make it possible to use nearly any scanned map or aerial photo on a Triton. Congratulations to all the folks who have been working on this!

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.

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