Sunday, March 18, 2012


Garmin nuvi 275T review

Garmin nuvi 275T review

UPDATE: The nuvi 2×5 series has been officially discontinued. For current recommendations, see our auto GPS buyers guide.

UPDATE 2: The latest trans-Atlantic navigators to be introduced are the Garmin nuvi 2475LT and nuvi 2370LT.
UPDATE 3: The latest trans-Atlantic navigators to be introduced are the Garmin nuvi 2475LT and nuvi 2370LT.

The Garmin nüvi 275T is a 3.5″ touch-screen navigator designed to appeal to trans-Atlantic travelers, with pre-loaded maps of the U.S., Canada and Europe. It is one of the second-generation nuvi 2×5 series models; I dubbed the first generation the “best entry level GPS on the market.”

This new series adds a couple of important mid-line features though — lifetime traffic and Bluetooth for hands-free cell phone use.

Compare prices on the Garmin nuvi 275T

I wrote extensively about the nuvi 2x5T series features in my hands on review of the nuvi 265WT. Rather than repeat all the details here, I’m going to refer you there for more information on the series, including lots of screen shots.

The next model down in terms of trans-Atlantic navigators is the nuvi 270, which drops many of the features found on the 275T, including text-to-speech. On the 275T, this means that you’ll hear “drive one-half mile, then turn left on Oak Street,” rather than just “drive one-half mile, then turn left,” which is what you’ll get on the nuvi 270. For a more detailed look at the differences between these and all the models in the nuvi series, check out my Garmin nuvi comparison chart.

More Garmin nuvi 275T reviews

Other Garmin nuvi 275T resources

Compare prices on the Garmin nuvi 275T at these merchants:

  • Get a great deal on the Garmin nuvi 275T North America and Europe City Navigator GPS at
  • Find the low price on a Garmin nuvi 275T at GPS Now, where shipping is free on orders over $99 (and the upgrade to overnight shipping is dirt cheap!); order by 5 p.m. Central Time for same day shipment
  • Check the current Garmin nüvi 275T price at Amazon
  • Buy the
    Garmin nuvi 275T Transatlantic Bluetooth Automotive GPS System with Lifetime Traffic

    at TigerGPS, where you get free shipping on orders above $250
  • Get the for an amazing price on eBay

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. Stu Morgan says:

    Considering the nuvi 275t (currently $200) or the tomtom 930 (currently available for $250) for the cost for the additional included european maps. I have been unable to find out what percentage of the POI for these units are devoted to countries not in North America.

  2. Rich Owings says:

    Garmin’s website lists 1.7 million…

    TomTom doesn’t list this as far as I can tell, but I saw older information on Amazon citing “thousands” of POIs. Hope this helps.

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