The Garmin Edge 500
is a GPS-enabled cycling computer. It does not have the navigation functions available on some other members of the Edge series, though like certain models, it can be paired with a heart rate monitor and power meter. Here’s a bit more detail on how it compares to some…
Related units
- The Edge 605 and 705 add mapping and navigation capabilities
- The Edge 305 offers some rudimentary navigation capabilities and advanced workout modes
The Edge 500 is a good, lightweight training device, that allows you to keep track of your mileage and workout stats. For better road or mountain bike navigation options, check out my GPS for bikers page.
More Garmin Edge 500 reviews
- Consumer-authored Garmin Edge 500 reviews
have been posted at Amazon
- SevenCyclists reviews the Garmin Edge 500
- Grams Light Bikes includes lots of photos in this Garmin Edge 500 review
- DC Rainmaker has posted a great in-depth review of the Edge 500
- MWG gets into the act with his own review of this GPS cycling computer
- A look at the Edge 500 from Road Cycling UK
- gives a 4 out of 5 star rating in their Garmin Edge 500 review
- Piaw’s Blog has also posted a review of the Edge 500
- Cycling Tips lists their pros and cons in this review
- An Old Guy on Two Wheels has also posted an Edge 500 review
- gives a 7 out of 10 rating in their review of the Garmin Edge 500
- A PBK Community member reviews the Edge 500
- reviews this GPS cyclometer
- A user review posted at
- Bantam Arboreal Bovines (I kid you not) reviews the Edge 500 GPS cyclometer
- reviews the Edge 500
- BikeRumor reviews the Edge 500
- Allison Mann reviews both the Edge 500 and Edge 800
- The Flat Tire offers a look in two parts
- 800 miles with the Edge 500
- 2500 miles with the Garmin 500 GPS cyclometer
- It’s Time to Ride tackles the Garmin Edge 500
- JoneStoneFitness has posted a first-impressions review of the Edge 500
- Cycling Info reviews this mid-range GPS cyclometer
- Jay Greene calls the Edge 500 his best tech gift ever
I’ll be posting more hands on GPS reviews as they appear, but in the meantime, here are some…
Other Garmin Edge 500 resources
- The Garmin Edge 500 owners manual, in the language of your choice
- Use this tool to compare Garmin’s cycling units
- Garmin has their own dedicated Edge 500 message forum
- The official Garmin Edge 500 web page
- compares the Edge 500 and 705 in this video:
Compare prices on the Garmin Edge 500 at these merchants:
- Check the current Garmin Edge 500
price at Amazon
- Find a great deal on the Garmin Edge 500 Wireless Bike Computer
at, where satisfaction is guaranteed and members get 10% back on eligible purchases
- Get the Garmin Edge 500 at Eastern Mountain Sports