Sunday, March 18, 2012

Five years of GPS Tracklog

Five year birthday Its hard to believe that half a decade has passed, but I started GPS Tracklog five years ago today. Along the way, I’ve expanded from a backcountry focus to include auto GPS, industry news, and even a bit of Android coverage (sorry iPhone fans, there’s no AT&T reception at my house).

So I want to take a brief moment to say thanks to all you loyal readers out there and to post a celebratory track I recorded yesterday morning. I now have a newfound respect for GPS artists BTW; its harder than it looks!

Who knows where the next five years will take us, but I plan to be there, bringing you more GPS reviews, news, tips and tricks. FWIW, here’s the official stats to date:

  • 1385 posts
  • > 5000 subscribers
About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. Congrats, I’ve been following you since 2 years and I truly impressed by the info you gather on a weekly base!

  2. Congrats Rich, you’ve created THE GPS resource for many of us in that short time. Keep it up!


  3. Pythagoras says:


  4. Keep up the good work Rich. I have been following the Blog for over 4 years. This site has been a great resource both personally and professionally. When is the second edition of the book coming?

  5. Your work is appreciated! I usually don’t comment, but I often read, and trust your opinion. Keep up the good work!

  6. Thanks for five years of top notch info, Rich. Keep it up!

  7. Thanks folks. You humble me.

    @Mike – No second edition is planned. Things change too fast to commit to paper!

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