Sunday, March 18, 2012

Garmin nuvi 2300 series hits the market

Garmin nuvi 2300LM

UPDATE: Read my hands on review of the Garmin nuvi 2350LMT. I also have resource pages up for the nuvi 2300LM, 2350, 2350LMT, 2350LT, 2360LT, 2360LMT and 2370LT.

They’re finally here. I don’t know what kind of supply chain delay Garmin had in getting these out, but the nuvi 2300 series has hit the market, a couple of months later than anticipated. These models have been eagerly awaited, as most include many of the top of the line features from the 3700 series without the astronomical price. That includes trafficTrends, Garmin’s historical road speed database for improved routing and myTrends, allowing the device to learn your preferred routes. Plus a new feature – the ability to correct speed limits. Follow the jump link for sources and a summary of the differences between models.

Model GPS City Amazon
nuvi 2300 In stock In stock
nuvi 2300LM In stock In stock
nuvi 2350 In stock In stock
nuvi 2350LT In stock Third party
nuvi 2350LMT Expected today In stock
nuvi 2360LT Expected today Third party
nuvi 2360LMT Expected today Third party
nuvi 2370LT Expected March 5 Not available

Here’s some highlights of the distinguishing features in the 2300 series:

  • 2300 – 4.3” screen; lower 48 states
  • 2350 – 4.3” screen; US, Canada & Mexico; lane assist & junction view; trafficTrends
  • 2360 – 4.3” screen; US, Canada & Mexico; dual-orientation screen; voice commands; lane assist & junction view; trafficTrends; 3D buildings and terrain; Bluetooth
  • 2370 – 4.3” screen; US, Canada, Mexico & Europe; voice commands; lane assist & junction view; trafficTrends; 3D buildings; Bluetooth
  • LM models include lifetime map updates
  • LT models add lifetime traffic
  • LMT models include both lifetime traffic and map updates

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. Would love to see a direct comparison of these with the 3700 series.

  2. David Burnstine says:

    Garmin Nuvi 2300 free map updates is a scam. I got 2 updates and now months later, I get error messages and one message that says – YOUR DEVISE DOES NOT HAVE ENOUGH MEMORY,
    PLEASE REMOVE UNNECESSARY FILES. — I never added any files but went into FAVORITES and deleted a lot of stuff, – which made no difference. I check with Garmin web-site and tried everything they suggested to no avail.
    Phone call to support- numerous times – thirty minute wait to get help.
    Why so long? Other people must have similar problems. —FREE MAPS? – Bull ! —–SCAM !
    I would bet – If I went to Garmin and BOUGHT an update, that it would work perfectly.
    Nothing in this world is FREE ! ———–disgruntled customer —-DSB

    • I hear you. I really wish all these manufacturers would put a little more memory in their devices. Here’s a good tutorial that should work fine for the 2300…

      Other options include loading the maps to a memory card or only installing a portion of North America.

      • David Burnstine says:

        Hello Rich:
        Thank You for your reply, and information.
        HOWEVER, with the Garmin advertising “Free map updates for life”, I shouldn’t have to do all this, downloadd this, save this, upload this, buy & insert a card, etc.
        I should be able to plug in the gps to my computer, and the update should be automatic, as it was the first two times I did it. I believe most consumers are not quite computer literate as your suggestions require.
        I am very frustrated with Garmin, – and I think this is some kind of ploy to get comsumers to buy a newer gps.
        Please don’t mis-understand me, as I still think Garmin makes top-notch products, but this deal is “just not right” ————————–Regards ————-DSB

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