Sunday, March 18, 2012

Google Map Maker lets you edit US maps

Google-Map-MakerGoogle Map Maker has come to the US. Instead of just reporting an error, you can now go in and make changes yourself. All edits will be reviewed for accuracy before being committed to the publicly available map. The information posted today talks about POIs, bike lanes and the like, but it appears that you can edit/add streets and addresses as well. Eventually, this should improve Google Maps Navigation, which definitely needs it! Check out the video promo below and then have at it my cartographic friends!

Via Google Lat Long Blog

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. Renaldy R says:

    This is needed for Garmin’s maps. How can send a error so Garmin fix there maps?

  2. Or you could make the edits to OpenStreetMap and actually be able to do whatever you like with the data, rather than give it to Google. Ditto @Renaldy R: there are many sources of Garmin maps based on up-to-date OSM data; if you spot an error, fix it on OSM and it will appear in a new Garmin map within weeks or even days.

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