Sunday, March 18, 2012

Write a review for a chance to win a GPS Tracklog t-shirt

I’m rolling out a new feature today on GPS Tracklog, allowing users to post their own review and ratings via the comments. Underneath the comment box on review pages, as shown above, you’ll see “Have this model? Please review it and click the stars below to rate it.” Once multiple reviews are made, an average rating box will show up at the top of the post.

Please only post reviews for products you own (or have owned in the past). Also note that you can only post ratings once for each product. Here’s the link to our index of GPS reviews, to help you find your model. And to entice you to do this, I’m going to give away some GPS Tracklog t-shirts, hot off the presses. In one week, I’ll pick three reviewers at random to send t-shirts to. I’ll also send shirts to the three folks writing the best reviews (solely decided by me). T-shirts can only go to readers with US addresses.

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.

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