Sunday, March 18, 2012

DeLorme to offer monthly plans for inReach satellite communicator

DeLorme inReach SEThis is good news. As of March 10, DeLorme will be offering monthly plans for it’s popular inReach SE two-way satellite communicator. 

All current seasonal plan users will be migrated to this new “freedom plan” when it goes live. There is a required annual fee of $24.95, with monthly charges starting at $14.95. At that basic plan level, you’ll be paying $3 more per month than you would with an annual plan.

It appears that the monthly plan will be available for previous inReach models as well.

This could get me off the fence on the inReach. I mountain bike solo quite frequently, but typically in well travelled areas. However, I usually go on at least one all day ride in very remote country each year. The new monthly plan would make a lot of sense for me. How about you?

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. Makes sense for me, too. Might finally buy one.

  2. Richard Howard says:

    Still waiting for that all-in-one gps navigator/satellite tracker. Garmin? Delorme? Gulp, MaGellan?

  3. This will certainly standardize the service plans with inReach Canada since they’ve been offering the monthly plans for a while now. When you do suspend, you will be charged somewhere around 5$ per month, which is great if you don’t get out during the winter or in the injured list.

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