Sunday, March 18, 2012

New version of National Geographic TOPO! – GPX support added

National Geographic is selling a new version of its TOPO! state series mapping software. Instead of separate Windows and Mac versions, the new edition integrates support for both in one box. This release also incorporates the features found in the TOPO! Streets & 3-D Views expansion pack:

  • 3-D views and fly-throughs
  • Updated street layer information
  • Live map update feature allows you to download new USGS quads
  • Support for more GPS models including those using a USB interface

If you have one of the older versions (3.X), you’ll need to buy Streets & 3-D Views to upgrade. If you already have Streets & 3-D Views, you can download the latest upgrade to version 4.1.5. A Mac version of the upgrade is expected to be posted any day now.

The latest version also adds GPX file support, although at this time it only allows import of GPX files. I have been told that the next upgrade, due to be posted in April, will allow GPX file export. No word yet on whether this will allow the export of tracks, the current lack of which is the only major fault I can find with TOPO!

Finally, although the image on the TOPO! state series website shows the new version, it does not appear to have been otherwise updated. The current GPS compatibility list doesn’t even show the Garmin USB units made compatible by Streets & 3-D Views.

UPDATE: A conversation at Groundspeak tipped me off that, even though the update says v. 4.1.5, it is in reality now v. 4.2.2. This update includes support for Garmin x-series receivers and Magellan eXplorist. Still no .gpx file export though.

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About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. Gary Felsman says:

    I have the latest Topo Series from National Geographic, version 4.2.2. Yes it imports GPX Files, but unfortuantely, it only imports routes and waypoints at this time. When you have six different tracks on your GPS, it imports them, but does not import the name associated with the track, or allow separate track management.
    I can export from Map Source lots of tracks in GPX format. But again Top does not import then as a route, or a track.
    I sent them an e-mail, hopefully they will add a track management feature.

  2. Thanks Gary,
    Please let me know if they give you an informative response.

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