UPDATE: The nuvi 2×5 series has been officially discontinued. For current recommendations, see our auto GPS buyers guide.
The Garmin nuvi 205 is one of Garmin’s popular entry level navigators. Like the rest of the 2×5 series, it comes with features previously unavailable in the nuvi line or found only in high-end models. Before we get into the details, let’s look at the basics.
The 205 sports a 3.5″ touch screen and includes pre-loaded maps of the entire U.S. except Alaska. It does not feature text-to-speech, so you’ll hear “drive one-half mile, then turn left” instead of “drive one-half mile, then turn left on Oak Street.”
Compare prices on the Garmin nuvi 205
Step up to the nuvi 205W, and you’ll get the same feature set on a wider 4.3″ screen. Another model, the nuvi 255 keeps the 3.5″ screen, but adds text-to-speech and maps of Alaska and Canada, while the 255W offers these same features in a wide screen model. To see how the nuvi 205 stacks up against other models, check out my Garmin nuvi 205 comparison chart.
I’ve been very impressed with the nuvi 2×5 series, which I dubbed the best entry-level GPS on the market in my hands-on review of the nuvi 205W. Check it out for a full list of the features found on the 2×5 series, including the nuvi 205.
More Garmin nuvi 205 reviews
- Consumer-authored Garmin nuvi 205 reviews are being posted at GPS Now
Owners have also posted Garmin nuvi 205 reviews
at Amazon
- GPS Lodge has posted a nuvi 205 review
- GPS Magazine has posted a thorough review of the Garmin nuvi 205
- PowerPage.org has posted their own Garmin nuvi 205 review
- A Malaysian site reviews the nuvi 205
- PCMech.com has posted their own Garmin nuvi 205 review
I’ll be posting more hands on GPS reviews as they appear, but in the meantime, here are some…
Other Garmin nuvi 205 resources
- A PDF version of the nuvi 205 owners manual
- Confused about so many models and choices? Use this Garmin nuvi comparison tool or check out my own Garmin nuvi comparison chart.
- There is a dedicated Garmin nuvi message forum at GpsPasSion.
- The official Garmin nuvi 205 web page.
- Five tips for nuvi newbies
- A Garmin nuvi 205 video demo:
Compare prices on the Garmin nuvi 205 at these merchants:
- Find the low price on a Garmin nuvi 205 at GPS Now, where shipping is free on orders over $99 (and the upgrade to overnight shipping is dirt cheap!); order by 5 p.m. Central Time for same day shipment
- Check the current Garmin nuvi 205
price at Amazon
- Find the
Garmin nuvi 205 Portable Automotive GPS System with United States Mapsat TigerGPS, where you get free shipping on orders above $250
- Buy the Garmin nuvi 205 Personal Travel Assistant
at REI.com, where satisfaction is guaranteed and members get 10% back on eligible purchases
- Get the Garmin nuvi 205 for an amazing price on eBay
My NUVI 205 died after only a year and 1/2 of intermittent use. Driving home from Memphis Tenn. it developed a series of lines across the screen and nothing I did short of turning it off and letting it sit a while then starting it and having it reboot could get them cleared from the screen. This was all in vain because a short time after starting the lines were back and the unit was of no use. I did research on GPS and your units were supposed to be one of the best if not the best! Mine unfortunately did not came anywhere near your standards.
I am looking at getting another GPS and don’t know if I feel safe giving Garmin another chance. Thank You.
Um, you do realize that I’m not Garmin, right?
These units come with a one-year warranty, but I know plenty of people who have had Garmin go the extra mile and replace units out of warranty. It may depend upon who you get, how nice you are, phase of the moon, or who knows what, but clearly their CS employees have been empowered to have some discretion. My advice is to call them rather than email them.
Where would I go to find their phone number?
Thank You
Rich: Contacted Garmin and talked to a very nice CS rep. she was very informative and told me where to go to update my operating software. I did that but now the unit says it has no maps loaded with which to work with. I think the unit is completely hosed. The CS rep. said if it was indeed broke there would be a 70.00 charge for repair. I doubt I’m going to spend 70.00 plus postage to fix a 100.00 dollar GPS. So now I search for a replacement! My last experience with a Garmin has left me anything but impressed with their product. Granted it was the bottom of the line, but the unit was only used on trips approx. 5 times. Thank You for your assistance. JIM
That’s disappointing. You’re the one that would have to invest the time, but I’d call them again and talk to someone else.
Rich: that’s ok I hung on the phone for over 1/2 hour only to get the standard CS rep. Line. I guess they’re to big to care about one customer. Thank You for your assistance.
I usually keep my garmin in he car. I haven’t used it for a while & now it won’t come on. I pluged it in and still nothing. Its a Garmin nuvi 205. Could the cold have affected it.
Doubtful. If you connect it to your computer, will it go into mass storage mode?
I didnt know about pluging it into the computer, THANKS A LOT, I guess it was totally dead because I haven’t used it for a couple months. Its ok now….
Excellent! Glad its working. It might take awhile to lock onto satellites since its been that long.