Sunday, March 18, 2012

Magellan eXplorist 510, 610 and 710 unleashed

UPDATE 3: Read my hands on review of the Magellan eXplorist 510

UPDATE 2: Read my hands on review of the Magellan eXplorist 710.

UPDATE: Here’s some screenshots and a discussion of capabilities and accepted map formats.

As expected following the success of the Magellan eXplorist GC, the company today announced several new additions to their updated handheld platform: the Magellan eXplorist 510, 610 and 710.

Each model comes equipped with a 3.2 megapixel geotagging camera, along with a microphone and speaker for field notes. They sport a 3.0” color screen, which is significantly larger than the eXplorist GC’s 2.2” screen. The new models include a pre-loaded “World Edition” map that features a full road network for the US, Canada, Western Europe and Australia. Release is slated for the fourth quarter of 2010.

The new eXplorist x10 series adds Magellan’s popular OneTouch favorites menu found on their recent auto units, “enabling users to instantly access bookmarked locations, searches, and functions.”

Here’s the skinny on the differences:

  • Magellan eXplorist 510 – The base model includes expandable memory, paperless geocaching, and a rated 16 hour battery life; MSRP $349.99
  • Magellan eXplorist 610 – Adds a tri-axial compass and barometric altimeter; MSRP $449.99
  • Magellan eXplorist 710 – Adds a “highly detailed” topographic map and turn-by-turn directions; MSRP $549.99

This is welcome news. The company did a very good job with the eXplorist GC and it appears that we will once again have several companies marketing quality handheld outdoor GPS receivers, which is a big win for the GPS consumer.

Here’s the full news release.

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. Richard Howard says:

    Great! Now if they will only support it after the sale.

  2. This pretty much confirms that the Triton line is dead; according to the Triton Forum, they announced at GeoWoodstock that there wouldn’t be any more firmware upgrades for that line.

    I’m concerned about the effects of the higher resolution and touchscreen on screen visibility. Even Garmin has realized that’s a serious issue for many people, and have released the 62/78 series that backs off from both touch and high resolution in favor of being able to see the screen in full sunlight. The lack of raster imagery is probably a dealbreaker for me.

    • I haven’t seen resolution specs yet. I hope it’s not too high. I think that is a bigger factor in brightness than the touch screen layer. I saw a report that they will accept .rmp raster format maps…

      • I saw that, too, but there’s no mention of that in either the press release or the specs on the product pages. Not sure where they’re getting that information.

        They do have one feature that Garmin should definitely copy on their touchscreen units – two programmable hardware buttons for quick access to desired features.

      • John Coochey says:

        Very succinct I made the mistake of buying a 710, load of garbage which could get someone killed. One very very major fault which has now been admitted is that key features will only operate with lithium batteries fitted and the rate this unit gets through batteries that is a major downfall. Mine is in for rectification of faults which were with it when bought when it comes back I intend to shoot it up at the range and video it and put it on youtube

        • What do you need lithium batteries for?

          • John Coochey says:

            According to a US firm which supports Magellan (in both senses of the word) any of the voice speaker functions such as voice notes. the sound in when video is used and more importantly the voice directions when driving -turn left etc. That firm also recommends the use of an external power source for longer operation meaning it is not a hand held unit. I might add I have been very impress with the Garmin 3500 series which has its own internal power.

          • The voice directions and voice notes worked for me using NiMH rechargeables.

          • John Coochey says:

            Thanks to Rich that is useful information. My unit is in dry dock allegedly having that fixed. About the only good thing about the Magellan is that you can take the altitude from the GPS rather than the aneroid as does the Garmin and my Suunto watch, Using an aneroid unless you are at a fixed site is like measuring your boundary fence with a length of elastic. I feel like Ripley in Aliens 2 where she wakes up from hibernation an asks what happened to IQ while she was asleep

  3. Richard Howard says:

    Seems to me that only an uninformed buyer would sink this amount of money (about equal with Oregon series) into an unproven product backed by a company notorious for terrible customer service and lack of support/upgrades after the sale. On the other hand, I hope magellan has turned things around. Would be nice to have a viable alternative to Garmin. Also, I am dubious about Mio’s dedication to the Magellan line.

  4. I’ve updated this post with a couple of interesting links, showing screenshots and a good discussion of accepted map formats.

  5. Shawn Patrick says:

    Looks pricey on those units. But it should noted that Magellan is currently owned by MiTac which seems to be serious about putting out a quality product. The previous owners of Magellan was something called Shah Capital Partners which ran Magellan into the ground with the Triton line and gutting their car unit lines as well. I own a Explorist GC and while it’s a good unit, the Delorme PN-30 costs about the same but gives far more features.

    • The quality of Magellan units has improved quite a bit in the past year. Now they need to work on their support and service, which is still pretty bad.

      I’m not sure its quite fair to compare pricing of a recently released unit with one that is officially discontinued. Wait a few months and I bet you’ll see the GC for $150 or less.

  6. BuyersRemorse says:

    The Triton 2000 is the biggest piece of crap I’ve ever owned, absolutely the worst purchase I’ve ever made. Repaired under warranty but still NEVER delivered on half of the so-called revolutionary features it claimed to have. Will the new owners and the new models be worth it? I got wind of a trade-in program. We’ll see. Magellan has sunk so low it will take an extraordinary device to turn that around.

  7. MiTAC now owns Magellan and they are headquartered in Taiwan.

    Garmin is headquartered in Olathe, KS USA

    Any questions? I think I would rather call for support to KS vs Taiwan.

    • Actually Garmin is now a Swiss company. Guess it was a better tax shelter than the Caymans where they were based until last year.

      Are Magellan’s call centers in the US or Taiwan or…?

  8. i see no one asking and im done searching so i thought i would just ask. after you buy the gps do you get free maps after?

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