Sunday, March 18, 2012

Garmin nuLink! 2390 appears US bound

Garmin-nuLink-2390The Garmin nuLink! 2390, announced for Europe last week, has shown up on the FCC website. Now normally that wouldn’t get me too excited, since its fairly common for EU-bound models to run that gauntlet. What did get my attention was the nuLink 2390 showing up on Garmin’s US website, along with a SKU (010-00919-06) for a “nuLink! 2390, GPS, USA, GPRS.”

The description refers to “PhotoLive traffic cameras,” though I’m not yet convinced we’ll see these in the US. Time will tell, but it does look like we’ll be seeing the nuLink 2390 at some point in the not too distant future.

Via FCC (link will probably throw a security warning)

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. Strange it shows up on the US site when it talks about the Europe maps and the stores when you click where to buy are all UK stores.

  2. I bought the 2460 after reading your review of it and now this shows up which does a lot of what the 2460 does it seems. The only thing I don’t see mentioned unless I missed it is the advanced detours. I wonder if you take away the nulink part how it stacks up against the 2460.

  3. Offthegrid says:

    Garmin, if you are listening PLEASE dump Navteq traffic and start using Inrix.

    This is an extremely strong offering but with the highway only traffic data from Navteq it pales to TomTom.

    It’s at the FCC.

  4. Offthegrid says:

    OOOps, Sorry Rich I didn’t see the FCC link you had already posted.

  5. Offthegrid says:

    Did Engadget get this story from you Rich? They are terrible imo about posting their sources.

    I’m wondering if this will incorporate all the updates that the 2400 and 2300 series models have been popping up with? The connected PND space in the US is finally starting to rumble to life!

  6. I don’t know. I sent them a tip about 8 a.m. and they posted their story a little after 4 pm. I’ve had multiple times over the past year or so where I’d tip them, and later they would link to someone who cited me as their source. I don’t think they’re malicious, just sloppy. Think I’m done sending tips to them though.

    On a brighter note, yes, hopefully it will retain the full 24xx feature set. I smell a new top of the line model coming, and its connected!

  7. I saw this on the Garmin website:

    Reduced nüLink! 1-Year Non-Recurring Renewal,nüLink! 2390,US
    Part Number: 010-D1034-00
    Suggested Retail Price: $ 49.99 USD

    Does anyone know what is not included in the Reduced nuLink compared to:

    Full nüLink! 1-Year Non-Recurring Renewal, nüLink! 2390, US
    Part Number: 010-D1031-01
    Suggested Retail Price: $ 69.99 USD

  8. Hi. I have bought a Garmin Nulink 2390 recently and I am looking for a Map of North America (or just California if such exists). The Garmin site does not show any such map available. Isn’t there any yet compatible with it?

  9. This is probably the cheapest option (although online retailers may be selling it at a discount)…

  10. Thanks but are you sure that it works with Nulink 2390 because it is not listed at those who goes with it.

    • Garmin is always slow in updating their compatible devices list. I’ve yet to see an new auto model (nuvi or nuLink) that wouldn’t work with a City Navigator map.

      • Ok, you mean that it will work any way?! Another question: to download a new map to my gps, do I need a memory card or it has memory in itself?
        Appreciate ur reply

  11. Offthegrid says:

    The Garmin US website is now showing optional services for the 2390 such as Traffic Cameras, Advanced Weather which though available for the 1695 the Garmin website shows this for the 2390 also.

    I hope this means the sale date is getting closer.

    • I think they must be waiting on live traffic camera licensing deals.

    • Looks like what I posted a few posts back where they also showed a “Reduced Nulink” service for $49.99.

      • Offthegrid says:

        The advanced weather and traffic cameras are extras on top of the included Live services.

        If you go here they show whats included, with the blue Live next to it or what is extra.

        So ‘PhotoLive cameras’, fuel prices, currency converter, weather radar, telephone directory & flight status will be extra if they follow the same pricing scheme.

        I wish one of these connected devices would have gasbuddy and the ability to input pricing, the ability to report bad traffic info like you are driving 50 through a supposedly congested area and for the love of God how difficult would it be to enable saved searches so that one does not have to type CVS or whatever over and over.

  12. Is there any news on when this may come to the U.S.?

  13. Rich O. You and other reviewers seem to be biased toward Garmin with their small list of custom options. Maybe its because you are all subsidized by Garmin in some way, but Navigon had all the innovative features mainly used today before anyone such as lifetime traffic, lane assist/junction view, larger screen, 3 year quarterly map subscription for (if on sale) $39.99, etc. Even Tom Tom had the lifetime maps before Garmin. Garmin sees how these innovations work with others before deciding if they are losing market share and need to compete. They have been trading on their name too long and their routing has become suspect. Stop taking bribes from them and give fair and honest reviews of the other brands.

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