This week in GPS is a weekly link roundup of (mostly) GPS related odds and ends, from GPS Tracklog and other places around the Web. This week’s featured image is a new GPS tracker that looks at things a little differently. Watch for our article this Sunday for more information!
From GPS Tracklog
- GPS Tracklog’s new writer says hello (finally)
- Opinion article: GPS Tracking…How Far Is Too Far?
GPS Tracking
- New child tracker introduced in Korea
- GPS trackers employed to discover the secret life of cats
- Scientists track routes of endangered animals
- Proof you can track anything: India is now tracking their garbage trucks.
Touratech released a new anti-theft locking mount exclusively for Garmin Zumo 590LM
- Garmin Vivofit is now available in brilliant red
- TomTom study identifies most congested cities. Surprisingly, Moscow is top of the list.
- TomTom also released two big updates this week. (See update section below)
- TomTom released several new updates this week, including additional languages in VoiceMaps and traffic and road information for four new countries.
- Garmin has updated Pilot to cover worldwide airways
- GPS-Trace Orange services are in the process of updating their system. Looks like there are more than a few bugs, but they are working through it.
Satellite Stuff
- Galileo satellite failure still raising questions
- Russia is seeking to expand GLONASS with talks with Cuba and Brazil resulting in new station agreements
- US upgrades GPS constellation with latest Block IIF vehicle
- How to make Pocket Queries with GSAK
- Waymarking for Beginners article looks at this Geocaching-related activity
GPS in the news
- Amelia Rose Earhart completes namesake’s flight using GPS and modern technology.
- Report Shows Wireless 911 Calls Lack Accurate GPS
- Myrtle Beach residents are having GPS issues with rapidly expanding suburbs–Technology just can’t seem to keep up.
The business of GPS
- Miniaturized anti-jamming device introduced is intended for civilian market
- UK Ministry of Justice awards Capita contract for electronic tagging
- Garmin purchases Fusion Electronics for $20 mil
Going mobile
- Dubious new GPS app is designed to keep pedestrians distracted by phones from walking into traffic (and distracted drivers from hitting pedestrians).
- App uses GPS capability in phones to help workers in dangerous environments stay safe.
- News24 releases a list of Top Travel Apps
- Amazon applies for FAA permission to test drones for delivering packages
- First autonomous small drone for the mass market will be available in 2015
- Navy talking about having massive drones on aircraft carriers in the near future
- Stunning fireworks video captured by drones
- Drone Photography competition Winner (talk about an awesome picture!)
- Parrot AR Drones record awesome aerial videos
Just Geo
- How Geology influenced the Battle of Gettysburg, split into Part I and Part II
- The U.S. Geological Survey has released a Beautiful Geologic Map of Mars
- Scientists are mapping lava flows to predict volcano eruptions
- Geologists have found rocks that are half plastic washing up in Hawaii and other locations.
- While you’re thinking about plastics, check out this terrifying article about how humans are leaving their own carbon footprint in the geology of the planet.
All the news that doesn’t fit
- Sci-Fi Meets Reality with New HUD Display that projects navigation right in your line-of-sight
- Student uses GPS collars to save elephants in Africa
- Cyclodeo expands its cycling street routes to Berlin.
I noticed prices dropping on the Garmin 2757 and 2797 on Amazon so either new models are coming or they are being discontinued.