Sunday, March 18, 2012

This Week in GPS – July 18, 2014

hand_iotaThis week in GPS is a weekly link roundup of (mostly) GPS related odds and ends, from GPS Tracklog and other places around the Web. This week’s featured image is a new GPS tracker that looks at things a little differently. Watch for our article this Sunday for more information!

From GPS Tracklog

  • GPS Tracklog’s new writer says hello (finally)
  • Opinion article: GPS Tracking…How Far Is Too Far?

GPS Tracking


  • vivofit redTouratech released a new anti-theft locking mount exclusively for Garmin Zumo 590LM
  • Garmin Vivofit is now available in brilliant red


  • TomTom study identifies most congested cities. Surprisingly, Moscow is top of the list.
  • TomTom also released two big updates this week. (See update section below)


Satellite Stuff

  • Galileo satellite failure still raising questions
  • Russia is seeking to expand GLONASS with talks with Cuba and Brazil resulting in new station agreements
  • US upgrades GPS constellation with latest Block IIF vehicle


GPS in the news

The business of GPS

  • Miniaturized anti-jamming device introduced is intended for civilian market
  • UK Ministry of Justice awards Capita contract for electronic tagging
  • Garmin purchases Fusion Electronics for $20 mil

Going mobile

  • Dubious new GPS app is designed to keep pedestrians distracted by phones from walking into traffic (and distracted drivers from hitting pedestrians).
  • App uses GPS capability in phones to help workers in dangerous environments stay safe.
  • News24 releases a list of Top Travel Apps


Just Geo

All the news that doesn’t fit




  1. offthegrid says:

    I noticed prices dropping on the Garmin 2757 and 2797 on Amazon so either new models are coming or they are being discontinued.

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