Sunday, March 18, 2012

Transfer waypoints to your nuvi with MapSource

As noted in my last post, I just returned from a trip to the southwest. My wife and I visited many towns and cities in New Mexico including Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Las Cruces and Silver City, and we even made it as far north as Colorado Springs. My trusty Garmin nuvi 660 led the way.

We were gone 12 days and had many places we wanted to see. We’re considering relocating so we were checking out neighborhoods, open houses, restaurants, etc. When you’re doing a trip that complicated, in cities you aren’t familiar with, simply plugging destinations into your GPS isn’t always the best way to do things. There’s nothing like being able to visualize the whole city on your computer screen. So I used Garmin’s MapSource to find POIs and create waypoints, and then transfer them to my nuvi.

If you don’t have the latest version of MapSource, download it to enable this capability. In version 6.11.1 Garmin added support for transfer with Garmin mass storage devices, such as the nuvi. I found it to be very helpful.

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About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. I googled “transfer waypoints garmin nuvi” and your post looked interesting…
    I installed City Navigator on my Vista PC and it wouldn’t run. After reading your posting I installed the Mapsource update; it now runs under Vista. I was able to transfer waypoints from my Nuvi 660 to the PC, then transfer to the Nuvi 250W. Thanks for your helpful post!

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