Sunday, March 18, 2012

This week in GPS — September 29th, 2013

Apple Maps Fairbanks Airport error

Um, cross the runway? Image via

This week in GPS is a weekly link roundup of (mostly) GPS related odds and ends, from GPS Tracklog and other places around the Web. To get a few of the biggest stories as they break, follow me on Twitter. This week’s lead image comes from this story: Apple Maps Sends Two Users Driving Across An Airport Runway.

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This week in GPS — September 21st, 2013

World of equal districts

The world divided into districts of equal population

This week in GPS is a weekly link roundup of (mostly) GPS related odds and ends, from GPS Tracklog and other places around the Web. To get a few of the biggest stories as they break, follow me on Twitter. This week’s lead image (above) shows how a world map might look if territories were divided into districts of equal population (via Jonathan Crowe)

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This week in GPS — September 14th, 2013

GPS Oregon truck accident


This week in GPS is a weekly link roundup of (mostly) GPS related odds and ends, from GPS Tracklog and other places around the Web. To get a few of the biggest stories as they break, follow me on Twitter. Today’s lead image is from a story about an Oregon trucker who might want to check his GPS settings.

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This week in GPS — September 7th, 2013

TomTom's new traffic jam ahead warning

TomTom’s new traffic jam ahead warning

This week in GPS is a weekly link roundup of (mostly) GPS related odds and ends, from GPS Tracklog and other places around the Web. To get a few of the biggest stories as they break, follow me on Twitter. This week’s lead image (above) is about how TomTom Traffic now alerts drivers to slow down when approaching a traffic jam. Anyone know if it’s available in the US yet?

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This week in GPS — August 31st, 2013

This week in GPS is a weekly link roundup of (mostly) GPS related odds and ends, from GPS Tracklog and other places around the Web. To get a few of the biggest stories as they break, follow me on Twitter. This week’s video (above) gives us a look at what navigating with Google Glass might look like. read more

This week in GPS — August 24th, 2013

Garmin VIRB screenThis week in GPS is a weekly link roundup of (mostly) GPS related odds and ends, from GPS Tracklog and other places around the Web. To get a few of the biggest stories as they break, follow me on Twitter. This week’s lead image gives you a look at the Garmin VIRB screen (at right).

From GPS Tracklog

Our posts from the past week:


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This week in GPS — August 17th, 2013

Trimble TopoCharger iPhone case

This week in GPS is a weekly link roundup of (mostly) GPS related odds and ends, from GPS Tracklog and other places around the Web. To get a few of the biggest stories as they break, follow me on Twitter.

This week’s lead image is of the Trimble TopoCharger, a new ruggedized iPhone case that adds battery life and topo maps; due in November.

From GPS Tracklog

Our posts from the past week:



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This week in GPS — August 10th, 2013

Garmin Vector pedal-based power meters

This week in GPS is a weekly link roundup of (mostly) GPS related odds and ends, from GPS Tracklog and other places around the Web. To get a few of the biggest stories as they break, follow me on Twitter. This week’s lead image is of the Garmin Vector bike pedal-based power meters, which are finally hitting the market.

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This week in GPS — August 3rd, 2013


Coming to the US?

This week in GPS is a weekly link roundup of (mostly) GPS related odds and ends, from GPS Tracklog and other places around the Web. To get a few of the biggest stories as they break, follow me on Twitter. This week’s lead image shows some handheld GPS receivers from the Chinese company BHCnav, which seems to have some interest in the US market. They say they have US maps, but I haven’t heard back from them as to what type. read more

This week in GPS — July 27th, 2013

This week in GPS is a weekly link roundup of (mostly) GPS related odds and ends, from GPS Tracklog and other places around the Web. To get a few of the biggest stories as they break, follow me on Twitter. Our lead video today comes from College Humor, via MSN. read more