Sunday, March 18, 2012

Bluetooth and GPS for hands-free cell phone use

Bluetooth is one of the hottest new features in GPS receivers, primarily because you can use them for hands-free cell phone calls, via the GPS receiver’s built-in microphone and speakers. Yet this technology can do so much more.

Address book syncing allows you to look up and dial numbers from your personalized phone book or your phone’s call history log. Plus, you can look up points of interest (POI’s), find a restaurant and have your GPS call to make a reservation!

Each of the units listed below offer Bluetooth for hands-free cellphone use. Except where noted the links go to our own auto GPS reviews:

Bluetooth GPS and cell phone compatibility

Before you buy a GPS, make sure it is compatible with your phone. The links below will help. GPS manufacturers are continually testing additional models for compatibility, so if you don’t see your phone listed, come back occasionally and check the links again:

Speakers and sound quality

Read the reviews of these units carefully. How is the sound delivered? Through the unit’s speakers? If so, how good are they? Some units use an FM transmitter to deliver voice through your stereo. That might not work so well in an urban area with few open channels. The technology on this is improving all the time. TomTom has a new Bluetooth accessory coming out — Car Connect — that will route calls and MP3’s to your stereo. Which ever route you go, pay attention to the details of sound delivery.

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. Cell Free Number Phone Search

  2. The use of cell phones has reallly become controversial and sometimes even hampering personal communications. By the way I don’t cary mobile phones. I think there was a recent study that said it may have negative effect on brain after usage of 10-20 years. I am not sure, but the reason we don’t hear about these things very much is because the cell phones have not been around that long. But there is a study which says that CELL PHONE USE IS ASSOCIATED WITH DECLINE IN FERTILITY. It appears in today’s HULIQ at and is from American Society for Reproductive Medicine

  3. Thanks Danka. I guess that’s one of the advantages of this sort of BlueTooth application. You get the antenna and power away from your body.

  4. There are so many awesome cell phone cases and other cell phone accessories coming out right now, I don’t know which to get first.

  5. There are so many awesome cell phone cases and other cell phone accessories coming out right now, I don’t know which to get first.

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