Sunday, March 18, 2012

Confirmed: Garmin eTrex H series uses MTK chipset

: Check out our MediaTek vs. SiRFstar III smackdown.

Two independent reports are confirming that the new Garmin eTrex H series is using a MediaTek chipset.

One is coming from Groundspeak,’s message board, where people are reporting good reception.

Another report, via GpsPasSion, includes screen shots comparing the MediaTek chipset in the Vista HCx with the SiRFstar III chipset in the 60CSx. While I can’t read German, it looks like the Mediatek chipset holds its own pretty well in that comparison.

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About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. eknzbfvq fwnqghzly gxquba hbusiozx wejhplymd gbwhlxpmf zxgqcp

  2. Turns out that these do NOT use the MediaTek chipset, but use the Garmin Bravo2 chipset. You can visit hre for details:
    Please don’t spread rumors as confirmed facts.

  3. Oh c’mon. When this was written, they were using MediaTek. New information suggests that they have changed the chipset in later units, though this has only recently come to light.

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