Sunday, March 18, 2012

nu Feature: Via point data fields

Via-point-dataHey, what do you know! While testing the Garmin nuvi 2350LMT, I found yet another new feature. You know how you can touch the left data field on newer models to change what is displayed? There are now three new options when actively navigating: Via Arrival, Distance to Via and Time to Via. And as with the 13xx and 14xx series, if you go to Tools > Settings > Navigation > Automobile > Map Data Layout > More Data (whew!), you can get more fields to show up on the right, as pictured above. I like the Via Arrival option; quite useful!

This feature is available on nuvi 23xx and 24xx models. I don’t yet have access to a 22xx, so I can’t verify that the Via data field options are found on those units (I know the More Data option isn’t, due to the 3.5” screen).

Data field options

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About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.


  1. vikas ahuja says:

    What is Via data? is it via some waypoint?

  2. Via’s are points that you insert into a route. So if you entered “home” as your destination and then decided to stop off for a beer along the way, you would be going home VIA Joe’s Bar. 🙂

  3. I’m trying to figure out how to ad via points with my home address to show last. Meaning imput all address for the day and find best rout. My old GPS had this feature and I’m thinking this new one doesnt have that feature.

  4. If this unit doesnt have this feature what one does? Thank you.

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