Sunday, March 18, 2012

TomTom VIA series announced for US

TomTom VIA series

UPDATE: Read my hands on review of the TomTom VIA 1535TM. I’ve also posted resource pages with links to reviews for the VIA 1405TM, 1435TM, 1505M and 1505TM.

TomTom is brining its VIA series to the US, a mid-range successor to the XL and XXL product lines. Already available in Europe, the VIA series features a new hardware design, with an integrated (inseparable) Easy Port mount, resulting in a thinner, more pocketable profile. The series will feature the new Webkit-based interface found on the GO 2000 line. Also notable – some models will be the first mid-range, non-GO units to feature Bluetooth and voice command. What you won’t find on the VIA series is the 2500’s capacitive touch screen or HD Traffic.

Here’s the model lineup, although each is expected to be available with lifetime traffic and lifetime map updates (with an M, T, or TM appended to the model number):

  • TomTom VIA 1405 – 4.3” screen
  • TomTom VIA 1435 – 4.3” screen, Bluetooth and voice command
  • TomTom VIA 1505 – 5” screen
  • TomTom VIA 1535 – 5” screen, Bluetooth and voice command

Availability is slated for late spring, with MSRP’s starting at $169.

Here’s the full news release.

About Rich Owings

Rich is the owner, editor and chief bottle-washer for GPS Tracklog. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.

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