Most geocachers will be familiar with the concept of pocket queries. This feature on the Geocaching website allows premium members of the site to download a large number of caches based on certain criteria (location, type, difficulty, etc.). If you have been geocaching for some time and have premium membership it’s likely you will be well-versed in creating them. However, they are more flexible than you might initially imagine.
When you create a pocket query you will, most likely, do a search radiating out from a particular cache or location. That’s usually good enough to ensure that it captures all the caches you intend to do for the day. But what happens if you‘re intending to travel from A to B grabbing all the caches along the way? What if the distance between those two points means that creating a radius big enough for the pocket query to contain all those caches gives more results than a pocket query allows or your GPS will hold? read more